Advantages of Using Drone Service

5 Advantages of Using Drone Services for Your Business

Do you remember the first time you saw an aerial drone and stood there gaping at the sky? It may seem like it was just some time back, but drones have come a long way since their introduction. 

Drones or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles are no longer fancy toys that hovered over your head. They are one of the most effective tools to be leveraged to take your business to the next level.

If you wondering what makes drones and drone services so special to your business, then this blog is for you.

Here is Why You Should Buy Drone Services for Your Business Development

  • Drone Services Offer Better Safety to Your Work Force

    A lot of businesses involve people working in tall structures. Even if it was for the smallest of the problems, employees have to snug in dangerous environments. That can be avoided with the Drones. 

    The last thing you want is for your employees to get hurt, and the worst thing that can happen to a drone is when it gets destroyed. All you have to do is replace it with another one 

  • Drones Give You a Hawk’s Eyes and Vision

    Drones are equipped with high-definition cameras to capture high-resolution pictures and videos. It can also map the area and get the measurement in various units to device plans and strategies.

    With drones, you have a movable pair of HD-enabled eyes that feed you with news and information as it happens. Drones are also capable of rendering 3D images and outlines to allow you to find the errors and rectify them with ease.

  • Drones Better With the Advent of Technology

    Drone services can readily be integrated with technology. With the advent of technology like AI, Machine Learning, IoT, AR, VR, and Blockchain, you need an equipment that can make use of technologies to make it easy for you to run businesses.

    Drones, with the integration of AI and IoT, can automatically solve the basic problems and provide you with business insights to advance to the next level.

  • Access Every Nook and Corner with Drone Services

    Unless you are someone with X-ray vision, you can’t see every place of your business center, or your farm, or even your house.

    Drones allow you mobility and visibility without asking you to move physically. You can get too close to a building and see the texture, you can analyze your farm for pests and diseases, and you can oversee the progress of your workforce without getting out of your chair. 

  • Deploy Drone Services on a Whim

    You don’t need a crane or a couple of bulldozers or a dozen men running around to deploy drones. 

    It takes a lot of time just to get people moving to start the work, but drones can be deployed as soon as possible and navigate them seamlessly to the necessary locations.

    It will take a considerable time for a human to reach the top of the building from the ground floor. Drones can reach the location at least 5 times faster and gets the job swiftly.

Even though Drone Services are stacked with technicalities to speed up the process of businesses, they are certain regions where you should pay extra attention. There is no defined legislation for the operation of drones and they are susceptible to mid-air collisions. Drones can also be mistaken for violation of privacy. But there is a way to handle matters right. Irrespective of the size of the business, you will not be using drones day in and day out. So hiring a professional Drone Service Company may become the optimal solution considering the occasion.

Drone Services

4 Industries Drone Services Will Impact and Revolutionise

When aerial drones come up in a conversation, one application everyone can connect with is aerial photography. But unmanned aerial vehicles are not just limited to aerial photography and journalism. 

Drone Services have stellar use cases and can be used in a multitude of industries. Despite being prominent, they remain highly underused for their potential. 

So we have put together a list of industries and fields where Drone Services can be used to improve efficiency while keeping the cost low.

Industries Benefiting from Drone Services

Survey: Drone Services Cover More Ground Faster

Surveying is no easy job. Normally, it would require hours of hard work and meticulous analysis to determine the right position of points, distance, and . It would take even longer to complete the surveys of humongous topographic portions.

That’s not the case when drones are deployed for surveys. It is more similar to a cameraman in a helicopter except with less noise and low cost. Drones map the areas clean and provide high-resolution imagery with utmost accuracy. 

With drones, what took hours to complete can be completed in a matter of minutes with exhaustive measurements available in all the formats. The surveyed areas can also be rendered in 3D models for planning.

Infrastructure: Drones Reach Inaccessible Regions like It’s a Cakewalk

Infrastructure maintenance is a costly affair especially if it is for huge companies. They may even require the service personnel to reach dangerous heights to take care of maintenance.

The situation is even dire for telecommunication, gas, oil, and petroleum companies. But drones can seamlessly reach communication towers, refineries, huge pipelines, and every inaccessible place to do the necessary.

Agriculture: Drone Services Betters the Yield

For large-scale agriculturers, monitoring the crops can be a hassle. They have to cover a gigantic farm and that is not humanly possible without deploying more personnel or using advanced field monitoring techniques. 

Drones can better analyze crop health, yield, and equip agriculturers with insights on crop management, harvesting planning, irrigation planning, fertility assessment, and identifying the growth of weed and pests.

Further, unlike synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, Drones are not harmful and will not get in the way of crops in any way.

Mining: Safe and Stellar Analysis with Drones

Drones are as worthy as goldmines for the mining industry. With 3D mapping ability, it is possible to analyze the size, depth, and volume of the deposits without deploying manpower.

Various mineral deposits can be analyzed faster at low operational costs. Drones can also be used to inspect the site and plan mining accordingly. 

But the benefit that outclasses every other advantage is the safety drones offer. Surveying the site landscape, infrastructure, and stockpiling can be extremely hazardous. There is no saying when something can go wrong. In the case of drones, all one loses is a handful of money to buy another drone.

Wrapping Up

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles are a boon to the above-mentioned industries and processes, but the application of drones is only limited by creativity. They can be used in defense, weather forecasting, wildlife monitoring, law enforcement, relief measures, disaster management and many more. We might even have drones deliver letters and packages in the near future.

Future of digital marketing

Digital marketing is where individuals or enterprises utilize digital technologies to sell their products and services. This type of marketing requires internet and can be done via various digital technologies including mobile applications, websites, digital boards and blogs. There was a time where marketing was only possible by a few methods like billboards and face-to-face interaction. However, like every other aspect in a person’s life, the advance in technology has changed it forever.

With nine out of every ten individuals using a smartphone, the number of people using the internet has increased drastically. In digital marketing, we utilize this opportunity to reach out to potential customers and keep them updated about products and services.

The world moves forward with a huge leap in technology and has turned highly competitive. It was once when companies became successful by showing their products and services and telling people how their problems will be solved. Nowadays, people have started trusting consumers more than how much they trust a brand or its advertisement. According to a research by ODM group, more than 70% of the consumers consult social media and check the reviews before purchasing a product. This clearly proves that businesses need to not only provide authentic products and services but also expand their social media presence. For businesses to stay on par with their competitors and reach out to more customers, they have to stay updated with the upcoming technologies and adapt to the competitive environment.

Generating paid traffic:

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) also known as paid search is the form of digital marketing where individuals or businesses generate web traffic by purchasing advertisements on search engines. Marketers either pay every time their advertisement is displayed or when a user clicks on their advertisement. Businesses harbour a dedicated team that scans through all the available platforms and decides the platform, according to them will advert most traffic to their sites.

Still holding on to traditional marketing methods, most entities end up in a loss as they are not able to reach the targeted audience. Research states that nearly $46 billion was spent on programmatic advertising for the Financial Year (FY) 2018. It was further predicted that by 2020, around 86% of all display advertisements will be presented by automation. This leap towards Artificial Intelligence (AI) is said to provide a more efficient, seamless, and accurate approach to SEM while cutting the cost at the same time.

Voice optimization:

Various voice assistants including Alexa, Siri, Cortana and Google assistant, the popularity of voice search has shot through the roof. Instead of typing or manually performing a task, all the user has to do is just speak directly to their device. With more and more people using voice assistants, marketers need to consider optimizing their websites to recognize voice search.

Furthermore, the way a person speaks is completely different than the way they type and marketers also need to optimize their websites accordingly. A research states that nearly 72% of the people who own a voice assistant use their devices as a part of their daily routine. Eventually, the idea of a completely hands-free assistant will take over soon enough.

The era of digitalization:

As the world moves forward towards a completely digital environment, along with the scope of digital marketing, numerous towns, cities and villages are also advancing towards the digital age. This change is leading to a huge increase in the number of consumers turning marketing into a highly competitive field. According to a research, the number of internet users in 2015 was 259 million which further shot up to 331 million in 2017. It has been predicted that the number of internet users might double up multifold by FY 2022. Businesses need to be in a state where they can not only engage multiple customers at a time but also expand their reach to every potential customer in order to gain more traffic.